




整理者:陈庆 法学博士 法学副教授









  • Athenaze, Book I: An Introduction to Ancient Greek(2016), by Maurice Balme, Gilbert Lawall, & James Morwood
  • Athenaze, Book II: An Introduction to Ancient Greek(2015), by Maurice Balme, Gilbert Lawall, & James Morwood


  • Reading Greek: Grammar and Exercises(2011), by Joint Association of Classical Teachers Joint Association of Classical Teachers
  • Reading Greek: Text and Vocabulary(2007), by Joint Association of Classical Teachers Joint Association of Classical Teachers
  • An Independent Study Guide to Reading Greek(2008), by Joint Association of Classical Teachers Joint Association of Classical Teachers


  • Learning Greek with Plato: A Beginner’s Course in Classical Greek,by Frank Beetham


注:以上三套古希腊文教科书为在线课程联盟「孔子与亚里士多德学园」(微信公众号)的「雅典娜古典希腊文在线课程」教学用书。「雅典娜古典希腊文在线课程」是陈庆博士主持的公益性学术课程,以自然语言习得法为主要教学法,以Athenaze系列为主教科书,以Learning Greek with Plato: A Beginner’s Course in Classical Greek为第一辅助教科书,以Reading Greek系列为第二辅助教科书。学习咨询邮箱:chenqing.philosophy@hotmail.com。


  • Introduction to Attic Greek(2013), by Donald J. Mastronarde


  • Greek: An Intensive Course(1992), by Hardy Hansen & Gerald M. Quinn


  • A Course in Attic Greek I& II(2015), by Patrick G. Lake


  • From Alpha to Omega: A Beginning Course in Classical Greek(2013),by Anne H. Groton


  • Learn to Read Greek: Part 1, Textbook and Workbook Set (2011), by Andrew Keller & Stephanie Russell
  • Learn to Read Greek: Part 2, Textbook and Workbook Set (2011), by Andrew Keller & Stephanie Russell


  • Learn to Read New Testament Greek, by  David Alan Black


  • Reading Koine Greek: An Introduction and Integrated Workbook, by Rodney J Decker


  • Reading Koine Greek: An Introduction and Integrated Workbook(2014), by Rodney J Decker


  • An Introduction to Greek(2003), by H. Lamar Crosby & John Nevin Schaeffer


  • An Introduction to Ancient Greek: A Literary Approach, by Cecelia Eaton Luschnig & Deborah Mitchell





















Dr. iur. Tsing Tschen
文章: 65
